Friday, March 25, 2011

I would be happy just making costumes

I might have to rethink that thought a little bit. I really love creating costumes and putting my own spin on it. Or even just following the pattern. But I love sewing and when it's something that's my own or one of a kind, that's what I love it even more.

School is fine. I think all my classes are okay, nothing too bad. There hasn't been really a lot going on, I guess. I've just had some trouble seeing eye to eye with my sister. She wants me to go to a state college, but myself and everyone I know is telling me to do what's comfortable and everything. So I'm going to do what I want to do. You can guess what that decision is.

I'm starting to craft more! I'm knitting more and I'm sewing more, also. I'm hoping to find a good vest pattern in the next few days and I'm sewing my brother's birthday gift so that should be fun :) I want to sew more and more so I can get better. I bought some nice fabric that I might use for a jacket. I bought a pattern for several pirate costumes so that should be fun.

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